St Kentigern's

R.C Primary School



St Kentigern's have ended the year with great success. We have achieved the Platinum Award for School Games and Sport for the fourth year running!

National School Sport Week!

As most you all know the Euro's Football Tournament is fully underway. For National School Sport  Week the theme this year is football. We have tried in our school to show all the different ways you can play football. We have played Foot Golf, Kick Tennis and Football bowling so that we can show all the ways in which everyone can get involve and enjoy football.



Year 4 currently have gymnastics as their PE topic. This weeks star of the week was Amy with a fantastic demonstration of her ability with a wonderful routine. The climbing frame is a great resource we have for the children to test their abilities and strengths.


Forest School Club

In our after school forest school club, our children have been very excited in making their very own Harry Potter Wands. They worked very hard to find the perfect stick to whittle down to create their wand and also made the handle strap themselves. The wands were fantastic and the children thoroughly enjoyed trying to turn me into a frog!


This week, the year 6 girl's football team competed in the next fixtures in the school competition. They played extremely well, and scored some wonderful goals. The next upcoming matches will be the boys team. I will post the fixture times when confirmed. 


This week in PE, we have started gymnastics as our topic for year 5. We were focused on balancing in this lesson and learning about supported balances. I have added a picture of some of the amazing supported balances some of the children demonstrated. 


Here's a quick look at this weeks gymnastics in year 6.  The children thoroughly enjoy this topic and the apparatus we have in school. They were tasked with working as a small  group to form a short sequence using the apparatus.


Happy St. Kentigern's Day! Year 1 have started gymnastics as their topic this term. This is a lovely example of the kindness of our children in this school as we see a year five sports leader helping a year 1 achieve success in her gymnastics lesson. In sport we all have a variety of skills, some more than others and some very different skills but when children are able to use their skills to help others succeed , that is what team work is all about.



Basketball Tournament 

In January our school is competing in the central league school basketball tournament. In the past we have been local and city champions and we hope to have the same success this time around. Try outs will be held this week during lunchtime and we also are doing basketball as our topic in PE so every child has the opportunity to play. Good luck to all the children who wish to play for the school team!



Hockey Trials

Over the past few months I have been liaising with a lady on the board for Didsbury Hockey club. Our aim was to increase participation in hockey outside of school. I have managed to secure four scholarships to Didsbury Hockey Club for four of our children. This will include, annual fees paid in full, equipment, tuition and match fees covered when selected to play. This is an amazing opportunity for our children and we will be hosting trials during Friday lunchtime to enable all children who are keen to participate. In addition to this the club will also be donating a full set of hockey sticks  to our school.


European School Sports Day!


At St Kentigern's we hosted an entire school sport fun day. This included penalty shoot outs, basketball games, athletics events and a special dance section for the entire school. The day was a huge success and in keeping with this years theme, The Joy Of Sport, the children thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thank you to all the coaches and sport leaders who helped us deliver this wonderful event.



Year 5&6 Girl's football

Our year 5&6 girls football team got off to an amazing start this year. In our first matches in the central league we won all three matches without conceding a single goal. I was extremely proud of the team as they put on a fantastic display of skill and sportsmanship. Well done!

Here are some more pictures from the Athletics Finals.



On Wednesday the 16th of November our year 5&6 girls football team are playing in a tournament at Whalley Range High School (Power League). The tournament will start at 3:45pm if any parents would like to come and support our team.



Congratulations to our year 5&6 athletics team. We competed in the School Games Sports Hall Athletics tournament and qualified for the city wide finals. The team competed in a range of field and track events, winning almost each one they entered. I was extremely proud of their performance but mostly in their attitude and respect for other school children. Well done team!   


Hi everyone,

this year has started extremely well. We have won the Platinum award for Sport and School Games. This is the fourth year we have managed to earn this fantastic award. I would like to thank all of my sport leaders and coaches for all of their hard work to win this fantastic award!

25/05/22  Hi everyone, we set out to offer more competitive opportunities for the children this year. This term we had two amazing tournaments. We had a rounders tournament for year 5 and 6. We also had an NBA Finals competition for years 3&4 and years 5&6. The children dressed in the colours of their chosen teams and the events were superb and enjoyed by all. I would like to thank my sport leaders for yet another amazing job well done. I am gathering all the photos from the events and will post them as soon as possible.


Here is a picture collage of some of our children enjoying our World Cup Tournament last Friday. I am still waiting for a few more but will add them after half term. Unfortunately due to the weather we were unable to do KS1's tournament today but this will now be after half term.  


This afternoon, we hosted our World Cup 22 for National School's Football Week. It was a huge success and I would like to thank the children and staff for their support and effort. The cheering was so loud, I think they could hear us in Qatar but it was superb to see the children supporting each other. The winning team in year 3&4 was Spain. The winning team in year 5&6 was Argentina, with a nail biting finish when the girls in 6M scored to win the game. Well done to everyone who participated.


Upcoming event:

World Cup 2022 at St Kentigern's

The week commencing the 7th of February is National School's Football Week. To celebrate this, we are hosting our very own world cup tournament in school. Each class will have a girls and boys team representing the country which they have chosen and they will compete in a round robin format to see which country has the combined scores from both the girls and boys teams. This will be a great experience for the children and raise awareness to equality in football. Further information will be posted nearer the time. 



Hi everyone, sorry for the delay in updating the blog. It has been a very busy time but hopefully things are getting back to some normality.  We have fully reinstated our extra curricular program, adding Forest School Club into the options for children. This has been very well received with full attendance  and the children thoroughly enjoying the club and activities so far. In the upcoming weeks we will have our first football match for the year 6 football team. The details of the location, whether it is home or away are yet to be decided but I will post the information as soon as possible.  




Last week, our school participated in the European School Sports Day.
The European School Sport Day® (ESSD) is a school day dedicated to have fun, to play together, to promote physical activity and health for everyone. It is a celebration which provides the opportunity for schools to: 
1. Raise the profile of physical education (PE) and sport in schools

2. Create fun and enjoyment through physical activity for young people
3. Promote health and wellbeing for lifelong learning
4. Encourage social inclusion and develop social competence amongst students
5. Connect with other European countries

On the 25th September, St Kentigern’s marked this day with a fun sports day for all of our children, which included relay races, athletic events and fun games for our pupils. The day was a huge success and would not have been possible without our Sports Leadership team who ran each event fantastically. 3 million children across Europe took part in this event and we were very proud to be part of it.


Hi everyone, sorry for the delay but it has been very busy starting the new school year. After school provision is back at last and participation is at an all time high. The school football team is finally back and we held our team try outs on Wednesday and the team look very promising. There will be a number of different competition for children to get involved with this year so please check on here for upcoming events. I would also like to thank all the children who attended our summer club who behaved beautifully and made each camp such a lovely experience for everyone.


Hi everyone. The past two weeks have been very busy with trying complete sports days separately for each year group but we managed to complete each one. Each year group were fantastic and I appreciate the support from parents dressing the children in their team colours. As many children are off currently, I wont be announces the winning country until everyone is back in school but well done to all the children especially the amazing sport leaders who worked so hard and made each sports day amazing for the other children. 

On the 26th of July, which is the first week of the holidays, we have a sports and forest school activities holiday club for three days. I  have given letters out to the children who are currently in school but if you haven't received one, please ask the office.


With government guidance changing, I am delighted that we are able to resume our extra curricular program after half term. We also have a holiday club running on Monday and Tuesday next week which has been very well received with lots of children attending. This is a great opportunity to get the children active again after lock down and  finally allow them to mix outside with their friends in school. I hope you all enjoy the holidays and I look forward to seeing everyone who is attending the holiday club on Monday.


Hi everyone, this week we have received some excellent news that school competitions will start next half term with competitions in rounders and football. This is great news for the children who have worked really hard to show off their amazing skills and talents in sport. In preparation for this we had a year 6, class vs class match of rounders today which was won in the dying seconds by Mrs Mort's class who hit three huge rounders in the last minute. Well done to all of year 6 who participated as it was a very competitive game. 


This week has been a wonderful week of weather which has enabled us to fully utilise the grass pitches. We have started American Football with year 5 which they love and love the new equipment they get to use in the process.

Year 4 have welcomed their new tennis coach Jake who is a highly qualified coach from the Northern Tennis Club on behalf of a project call Racket Cubed. The children thoroughly enjoyed his lesson and cant wait for next week. We are still awaiting further guidance on extra curricular clubs and summer camps but I will keep you posted as soon as I know more.


Hi everyone, apologies for the delay in updating the blog but I have just had surgery on my foot, however I am already back in school after a successful operation. 

During the school lock down we managed to start our online PE videos delivering the curriculum objectives to ensure our children have every opportunity to succeed despite the circumstances and the children were amazing with their evidence and results form these lessons. Thankfully, all the children have been welcomed back now and PE has resumed as normal and we will continue to strive for excellence. The only down side is extra curricular clubs and school teams but we hope that with guidance we can restart our program soon.


St Kentigern's children have been chosen to pilot the new P.A.L. (Playground Activity Leader) scheme before it's introduced to all schools across Manchester in the new year.  The training is being delivered in partnership with the Manchester Schools PE Association and involves the new leaders to engage more children to be active on the school playground. Well done to Mr Ching and the year 4 children chosen to participate in this programme. Below are some images of their first training session.


Basketball Competition  2nd Round

Following on from last weeks success in our basketball virtual competition, our year 5 and 6 children participated in the 2nd round of challenges. The 2nd round of challenges consisted of a fast pace lay up challenge, and dribbling slalom. The children have spent their lunch times practicing with our coaches  to master the footwork necessary to make a good lay up and their hard work was evident when the challenge started. The children were challenged to see how many lay ups they could score out of ten at fast pace. In year 6 we had some children scoring 9/10 and others not far behind. In year 5 we had children scoring as high as 7/10. These are fantastic scores for anybody not just children, I've played basketball all my life and still miss some now! The second challenge was the dribbling slalom. This was another fast pace challenge involving dribbling in and out of six cones as many times as they could in 60 seconds. This was another area which the children have worked on with our amazing coaches at lunchtime and the scorers were amazing. The results will now be added to last weeks challenges to get an overall score for each child to see who the overall winners are. There is also a prize for the most improved and the winners will be announced next week so please look on the sports blog to see the results.



Basketball Virtual Competition

This week our year 5 and 6 children competed in a skill based virtual competition. St Kentigern's have always competed in a vast range of sports and competitions until the recent pandemic causing all school competitions to be cancelled. Manchester PE Association have found a way to allow schools to find a new way to compete and demonstrate the skills and talents of our children. The first one is basketball and on Tuesday year 5 took part in there skills challenge competition and yesterday, year 6 competed in theirs. The results were fantastic and the level of ability of our children was superb. The challenges continue next week and the results for our school will be announced on the 2nd of December . Below are some pictures  taken during the first challenges.... 

Mr Ching's Sports Blog


This week in PE

Through no fault of their own, children's activity levels across the nation hit an all-time low during the lockdown. The start of our school year has shown that our children at St Kentigern's are raring to go when it comes to PE and sport. After our introduction to PE in the first week of school, the children have worked extremely hard to get their active lifestyles back on track. 

We provide opportunities for our children to be as active as possible during the school day, not just in PE but in our lunchtime provision. We have added a new group of qualified sports coaches through our partnership with Manchester University to provide a wide variety of sports each day for every year group. This has enabled us to reach amazing levels of activity during lunchtime. This week on average we have had 85% of all pupils involved in sports activities at lunchtime for at least 20 minutes or more. Not only is this invaluable to their well being but it promotes good mental health in the form of friendship, pride, self-belief and confidence. We will continue to strive to provide excellent opportunities for all of our children to live happy and healthy lifestyles.


 Our school has a history of success in school games competitions and we have always had a huge variety of teams in which the children can join. In these unprecedented times, the School Games Competitions are now virtual. This means that instead of competing with other schools at central venues or home and away games, the competitions will be virtual whereby the competitions will be personal best challenges and skill session challenges. I understand though that our children love competing and therefore I am hoping to have intra school competitions within the year group bubbles providing we can follow all guidance safely.