St Kentigern's

R.C Primary School

Home School Agreement

 We believe that parents are the first and foremost educators of their children and that we are called to support them in their God-given task.

We believe that through our school we enable our pupils to experience a vibrant, Christian community whereby we as a school engage with the world and offer an experience of The Gospel to all who have contact with us.
To achieve this we will reflect annually on our practice, celebrate and consolidate our successes and realistically explore ways of working closely together with parents, the parish and the wider community.
The School
St. Kentigern's R.C School will :

  • Actively foster a caring, Christian community which respects and values all its members in the Catholic faith.
  • Demonstrate our faith by what we teach and the way we live and worship in our school.
  • Endeavour to create a caring community in which each child feels safe, happy and valued.
  • Encourage each child to develop confidence, self-esteem and independence.
  • Encourage each child to behave appropriately and develop self-discipline.
  • Encourage each child to respect and care for their surroundings and the property of others.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum and try always to meet the individual needs of your child.
  • Endeavour to enable each child according to their ability and character to attain the highest possible standards in - all aspects of their education.
  • Contact parents if there are concerns or problems that might affect the child's work or behaviour.
  • Keep parents informed about school activities and general school matters.
  • Regularly set homework appropriate for your child's needs.
  • Send home an annual report and arrange parent's evenings and other opportunities to discuss your child's   progress.

The Family 

As a family we will:

  1. Support the Catholic ethos and Christian values of the school community.
  2. Support the Sacramental Programme.
  3. Support Catholic Education by whatever means we can.
  4. Encourage our child to show kindness and consideration to others. 
  5. Support the school by complying with procedures outlined in the school prospectus and guidelines for behaviour.
  6. Support and encourage our child with homework and the opportunities for home learning.
  7. Attend parent's evenings and other opportunities to discuss our child's progress.
  8. Ensure that my child goes to school regularly and on time.
  9. Ensure that our child is appropriately dressed and equipped for school.
  10. Notify school early of any circumstances that may affect my/our child's learning or behaviour.
  11. Be positive with our child when discussing any aspects of school.

The Pupil
As a pupil, I will -

  • Try to do my best work at all times.
  • Care for and respect all members of our school and community.
  • Behave sensibly and take care of our school and its equipment and the property of others in school, and help to keep the school free of litter.